ago I think Ill have to look out for that. Theres a demo version available though on but it requires a rather beefy PC. Admittedly, a certain degree of fun can be gleaned from the sheer naffness of the whole affair-OTT villain Slade and his henchman Hideo (Richard Yuen) are hard to take seriously, and further giggles can be had from Jake Armstrong's hideous fashion sense-but for the most part this is forgettable nonsense and an unforgivable waste of its stars' formidable fighting skills. Honor & Glory is not released yet, and it is not available on Steam.

Honour and Glory features an awesome line-up of bona fide martial arts stars (Rothrock, Shou, Miller, Jeffreys) but very little in the way of genuine acting talent normally, this doesn't bother me too much, just so long as the action comes thick and fast, but with less than impressive fight scenes (largely thanks to the typically lousy direction from king of crap ninja flicks Godfrey Ho) and a plot that is all over the place (another Ho trademark), the film proves very disappointing indeed.
Kung fu black belt TV reporter Joyce Pride (Donna Jason) and her equally tough FBI agent sister Tracy (Cynthia Rothrock) attempt to bring corrupt businessman Jason Slade (John Miller) to justice with help from his former bodyguard Jake Armstrong (Chuck Jeffreys), Hong Kong cop Dragon Lee (Robin Shou) and martial arts student Mickey (Yip Yim Hing). Excited about the upcoming Titanic game Join here and talk all about it Joining this Community is easy: Join Now Open in app 1 Download our app 2 Just.